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Johnny Knoxville Once Hit Seth Meyers In The Nuts on Live TV

By Andrew Sanford | TV | October 14, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | October 14, 2022 |

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Johnny Knoxville has made a career out of consensual pain. Inflicting pain on himself and his friends while laughing all the way has been his MO for over 20 years. Sometimes accidents happen. In a classic case of “when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail,” Knoxville once hit Seth Meyers in the nuts on live television, even though Meyers was supposed to be the one who hit him.

Appearing on Late Night with Seth Meyers, the Jackass star brought up that he hosted SNL years ago. The script called for Seth to hit Johnny in the nuts, after tackling him during his monologue. Johnny claims to have misread it and hit Seth instead. They show the clip, and Johnny got him pretty good. Getting tapped in the sack hurts, but probably even more so when you do it for a living.

While writing that last line I had a flashback of Jackass Forever in which someone gets a pogo sticked on… oh god, it’s all I can see!

Changing subjects! Johnny’s outfit looks great! There’s unbridled confidence that Knoxville possesses, and it is usually accentuated through his wardrobe. Also, while being more of an occasional Jackass watcher in my youth, most of my familiarity with Knoxville comes from pretty recent interviews. He’s smart, down to earth, and always a fun interview.

There are no hard feelings between Johnny and Seth. Just a wonderful back-and-forth between two men who have clearly become close over the years. What’s that old saying? “What’s a little crotch shot among friends?”