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After Trolling America for 18 Months, Turnabout is Fair Play for the Trump Campaign

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 24, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 24, 2016 |

Sisters Annie and Ceci Cardelle — who are second generation Cuban Americans — decided to attend a campaign event hosted by Eric Trump in North Carolina, because they were curious and probably considered it some form of extreme sport. The sisters, however, decided to wear T-shirts with their own Sharpie-stitched message: “Latina Contra Trump.” At the event, where women of color are like rare, magical unicorns, Annie and Ceci Cardelle were excitedly hand-picked for a photo with B-horror movie villain Eric Trump, whose knowledge of the Spanish language probably does not extend beyond the country’s flies.

Here he is proudly standing alongside the sisters.

Here are the sisters milling around the event completely unnoticed by a crowd full of Trump supporters who never thought to ask, “What does contra mean?” because who would have the audacity to come into a Trump rally with a shirt reading, “Latinas against Trump”?

Annie and Ceci Cardelle, that’s who.

15 days until the election. Clinton is up by 12, according to the latest polls. Early voting is open in most states. Go vote.