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The Internet Reacts to the Traumatic Season Premiere of 'The Walking Dead'

By Dustin Rowles | The Walking Dead | October 23, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | The Walking Dead | October 23, 2016 |

After a frustrating 202 days, The Walking Dead finally paid off the biggest cliffhanger of the last few years. We now know who Negan killed in the season premiere, and it wasn’t one character, it was two characters. Abraham met the business end of Negan’s baseball bat, Lucille, and then Glenn took one for the team for good measure. It wasn’t exactly unexpected — those two characters also died in the comics — but it was nevertheless devastating.

We’ll have full coverage of the season premiere tomorrow, but for now, here’s how the Internet reacted to Negan’s kills. It’s a mix of horror, disappointment, sadness, shock and indifference. In other words: The Internet!

First, they took Abraham, and Twitter was like:

But there were a lot of tweets like:

And then it looked maybe like Daryl might die and the Internet was like:

Whew. But at least Glenn was spared, except …

You guys, I think Negan may have broken Rick real good.

Welcome to a brand new beginning.