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Wanda Sykes Breaks Down How Cops Ticket People For Being Poor

By Andrew Sanford | TV | January 30, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | January 30, 2023 |

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My attitude toward police officers has soured over the years. When I was younger, they couldn’t be cooler. I can’t imagine why. It’s not like everything available for a young, impressionable boy told me that cops were awesome. It couldn’t possibly be that I watched Walker Texas Ranger like it was my job! Whatever caused me to back the blue then, much more has made me back away. Cops are thugs and bullies and they exist to punish poor people, as Wanda Sykes pointed out while hosting The Daily Show.

There are plenty of reasons to say that cops are bad news. Sykes focused specifically on how cops ticket citizens. How the fines levied against people are not always equal. I’d like to take a quick moment to congratulate the crowd, who broke into applause when the story of a millionaire getting a 58-thousand-dollar speeding ticket was played. Cops also have a penchant for ticketing more frequently when their precinct needs money. Then there’s the idea that you can be charged a fee for doing time for not being able to pay a fee! It’s sick!

Cops are the worst, but at least we have people like Wanda Sykes in this world. Between her and Leslie Jones, the upcoming guest hosts of The Daily Show have a lot to live up to. Jones brought a different kind of energy to the desk, while Wanda does things a bit more traditionally. That said, she’s an absolute pro. What may be more traditional still takes skill and talent, and Sykes has those in spades. She’s clear, concise, and another candidate who is more than deserving of the position.

I know this piece started by talking about every rich person’s favorite tool of oppression, but that’s not how it’s going to end. Instead, I’m going to say that Wanda Sykes is one of the funniest people alive.