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But Can the New 'The Daily Show' Host Not Be Hasan Minhaj?

By Dustin Rowles | TV | August 2, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | August 2, 2023 |


Rumors are circulating that the studios are preparing to meet with the WGA to discuss a potential timeline for negotiating the end to the ongoing WGA strike. With the possibility of a resolution in sight, it’s time to remind everyone that late-night television is still a very much alive phenomenon! In theory, at least. When late-night shows finally make their return — hopefully sometime this fall — the excitement will likely last for about a week. Then, we’ll revert to occasionally watching clips from Kimmel’s interviews with Ben Affleck (and pointedly not Matt Damon), Seth Meyers’ “Closer Look” segments, and the odd Stephen Colbert gag.

Another show to consider is The Daily Show, which seemed to gain new life after Trevor Noah’s departure with its rotating guest hosts. Many of us tuned in specifically to see how the likes of Leslie Jones, Kal Penn, or Al Franken might handle hosting duties. Some excelled, while others faltered. In my opinion, Desi Lydic stood out as the best. I think she has the exact right sensibility for The Daily Show, a great amalgamation of Jon Stewart, Trevor Noah, and Samantha Bee.

Because no one listens to me, Hasan Minhaj has reportedly emerged as the frontrunner for the role. Minhaj had a promising stint as host of The Daily Show. He’s seasoned in his work on on the comedy news series, and he’s even hosted his own Netflix show, Patriot Act (where there were reports of a toxic work environment). He clearly has the necessary experience, knowledge, humor and HR violations!

However, his appearance on Celebrity Jeopardy was less than terrible. Rarely have I lost so much respect and affection for someone in such a short span of time. I went into that episode of Celebrity Jeopardy rooting for Minhaj to win, only to end up wishing he could be shot into the sun by the end.

And yet, instead of apologizing for being unfunny and obnoxious at Jeopardy, he responded with, “I’m sorry I desecrated an American institution. “I’m sorry I ripped your 7 p.m. linear TV pacifier out of your geriatric mouth. And most importantly, I’m sorry for trying to make Jeopardy! fun.”.

Hasan Minhaj did not make Jeopardy fun. He made it unbearable, insufferable, and excruciating. Is that a reason to reject an otherwise qualified comedian for the role of host of The Daily Show? To each their own, but it’s all I can think about when I see Hasan Minhaj, and it will likely remain so for the rest of his career.