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The 10 Best Comments of the Week Reminds Us All to be More Swintonesque in the New Year

By Prolixity Julien | Eloquent Eloquence | December 30, 2011 |

By Prolixity Julien | Eloquent Eloquence | December 30, 2011 |

Eloquent Eloquence is a compilation of the ten best comments of the week. Comments in reviews are not eligible for inclusion.

There is a link in the commenter’s name that will take you to the original post.

This is not the least right Dustin has ever been.

10. ” I dunno. The same day you recognize that opinions and facts aren’t the same thing?”

Coincidentally, you and your opinions are both wrong. - morgaen

9. I don’t think I have ever been more in love with this site. And that’s saying something.

I love you like Mr. Darcy loves Lizzy Bennett. I love you like Atticus Finch loves justice. I love you like Dorian Gray loves vice. - lyssie

8. OK, two words of advice for people in movies running from stuff: Turn right.

Or left.

Doesn’t matter, the thing you’re running from is going straight and will continue to do so, so will you just fucking go sideways already? - Dave

7. Last Call with Carson Daly is the other one he hosts.

I remember catching a few minutes of it once when I had dozed off during Late Night and I couldn’t find the remote. Then I found the remote.

That story is more interesting that the show. - Sherri

6. “and a non-sensical story arc involving angles…”

Aw, I thought that was acute story arc. - Craig

5. I ADORE “When the River Meets the Sea!” I want it played at my funeral after I’m inevitably murdered. - Monton

4. “It’s got leather, Beckinsale, and weaponry.”

Correction: it’s got leather, Beckinsale’s fine ass in that leather, and weaponry being wielded by the aforementioned ass in the leather - Fredo

3. i like how you didn’t post: Just Go With It, Bucky Larson, and Jack & Jill. Ya….your tastes suck. The Minn

(Which part of “They are neither good nor terrible. They are the year’s most forgettable films” did you not understand? The first step to being a successful Internet commenter, The Minn, is reading comprehension. — DR)

2. So Tilda Swinton has to change her appearance to look normal and other actresses change their appearance to look Swintonesque. - John W

1. All I’m saying (jokingly so) is, while you think that all these asides, insightful (or for clarification’s sake[maybe even your own])as they may seem, help you get your point, or many points all in one sentence, the length of which keep growing, across, it typically (for me [I may be on my own]) obfuscates (word of the day!) your intended, or unintended, as the case may be, point. - Jast