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Brendan Fraser Getty 3.jpg

Brendan Fraser Continues to Tell the Golden Globes to Suck It

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | February 8, 2023 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | February 8, 2023 |

Brendan Fraser Getty 3.jpg

Brendan Fraser is on his Oscar campaign and the odds are very much in his favour. The actor has been omnipresent this season, keenly aware of what this moment means to him, his career, and those who have been rooting for the Brenaissance. If you put aside the film itself he’s campaigning for, The Whale (yikes), Fraser has been a great candidate for its success. Every interview he gives, he’s astute, charming, and clearly dedicated to his craft. He’s funny, detailed with his stories, and chockful of star quality. As always, it’s good to have him back.

He recently sat down with Howard Stern for a candid interview, wherein he talked about parenting a child on the autism spectrum and that time he was almost Superman. He also told the Golden Globes, once more, to suck it.

Fraser was nominated for Best Actor in a Drama for The Whale but made it clear he had no plans to attend the ceremony or in any way legitimize the Golden Globes following their handling of his allegations of sexual assault against the then-HFPA President Philip Berk. When asked in November if he would attend the ceremony, he said, ‘No, I will not participate… It’s because of the history that I have with them. And my mother didn’t raise a hypocrite. You can call me a lot of things, but not that.’

He reinforced that stance when asked about this year’s ceremony, wherein Butler won in the category he was nominated for. While praising Butler’s performance, he said:

‘I found myself wondering is this a cynical nomination. I couldn’t really tell because of my history with them and that I still have yet to see the results from their reformation. We all are still awaiting that, to tell you the truth… What does matter is that it would mean nothing to me. I don’t want it. I didn’t ask to be considered even, that was presumed.

They needed me, I didn’t need them. Because it wouldn’t be meaningful to me. Where am I gonna put that hood ornament? What would I do with that?’

I appreciate how Fraser can be both extremely charming and also shady as hell. ‘Hood ornament’? Hell yeah! And he’s right. The HFPA needed him way more than the other way around. They wanted to reassert their shaky place in Hollywood and to pretend that they’re on the right side of history, which they never really have been. But they’ve never truly apologized for what happened to Fraser, nor have they fully confronted his allegations of blacklisting. Now he’s back on top and they return to starf*cker mode? Subtle, right?

Fraser did not call out any colleagues who did attend the Globes this year, and there were many who have giddily returned to business as usual with the shameless group and their worthless trophies. He said, ‘It’s my fight, no one else’s …I don’t need everyone to stand in solidarity with me … Maybe. But, you know, it would be a leap of faith for whoever that would be. It would be a calculated risk and it could also be trivialized very easily by the cynical view of this all.’

I, personally, am much harsher on such people. You risk nothing by skipping this charade, guys. The Golden Globe is not an important award, it’s not an effective Oscar precursor, and the HFPA will always be crooked so why entertain them? Stay home and watch YouTube videos or something.

Fraser’s in a tight race for the Best Actor Oscar with Austin Butler, and both men would be deserving winners. Despite my animosity for The Whale, I would like to see Fraser win, then have an excellent second act as a character actor with auteur clout. Meanwhile, the HFPA will continue to pretend they did nothing wrong.