By Cindy Davis | Case Study In Hotness | January 14, 2016 |
By Cindy Davis | Case Study In Hotness | January 14, 2016 |
Don’t panic, guys; as far as I know, Morpheus is well. Not only that but he’s great, gorgeous, glorious and F-I-N-E, fine. As in fine.
This morning my also fine friend, Emily asked her fellow writers if we’d like to contribute to her list of Actors Who Just Got Hotter with Age and because I’m so very into that touch of grey he’s got going, I suggested Laurence Fishburne. I’m certain my fellow Hannibal crew would agree, but my other fine friend, TK posted a couple of pics that reminded me Laurence has always been fine, and I felt we should really study him further. Hair, no hair; hat, no hat; glasses, no glasses; the man has had all the looks, and knocked them all out of the park by the looks of things. You’re welcome.
We wish we were as cool.
Don’t cry, Laurence. We love you at every age.
Can’t age any better than this.
There you go.
FINE, You win, TK. For the second time today!
p.s. It won’t happen again.