By Cindy Davis | Videos | June 25, 2014 |
By Cindy Davis | Videos | June 25, 2014 |
By now you’ve surely heard about the 20 year old American exchange student who got stuck inside a giant vagina statue. Peruvian artist Fernando de la Jara’s sculpture entitled “Pi-Chacan” (meaning “…place where the action of water has tunneled through a large rock or a mountain” or “Lovemaking”) can be found on the grounds of Germany’s University of Tübingen; the unidentified young man crawled inside “tried to pose for an unusual photo” and was unable to rebirth. It took 22 firefighters to deliver the embarrassed student — by hand, without any tools. Insert all your porny jokes here, but I’m more amused by poor Anderson Cooper, trying not to giggle as he must sheepishly (“I’m certainly no expert on the topic of vaginas”) repeatedly say “vagina,” and try to be politically correct as he explains the story.
But Anderson, there’s not much point in blurring his face now; he’s already been all over the interwebs.