By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 9, 2015 |
By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 9, 2015 |
Last week, in one of the sweeter, more buoyant moments of HBO’s Togetherness (as opposed to this week’s incredibly awkward sex scene), the two male leads — Brett and Alex (Mark Duplass and Steve Zissis) — ended the episode with a killer, pick-me up air-drum performance to the Rush hit, “Tom Sawyer.” It was a moving end to the episode.
It turns out, actually, that the scene was inspired by similar air-drum performance that the show’s creators, Mark and Jay Duplass, pulled off during a college party a while back, as they explained to Conan O’Brien last week. The elaborate, brilliantly choreagraphed performance, alas, was met with complete silence, at least until the Duplass Bros. went outside to collect themselves. It was there where several of the men approached them and told them that it had legitimately moved them, but they had simply not wanted to say anything in front of the women.
What the Duplasses realized, of course, is that there’s a huge gender divide when it comes to Rush. Rush is like Jennifer Love Hewitt — she is only adored by men (as John Mayer is only beloved by women). It’s just one of simple, strange facts of life.
The point of this story, of course, is that Jay and Mark Duplass recreated their air-drum performance of “Tom Sawyer” with Conan, and it was amazing enough that even women — who all apparently hate Rush — will probably still adore it.
In related news: Please watch Togetherness, which was picked up for a second season last week.