By Cindy Davis | Case Study In Hotness | February 9, 2015 |
By Cindy Davis | Case Study In Hotness | February 9, 2015 |
This morning I was looking for a semi-sexy picture of JLaw to put beside a shirtless Chris Pratt for this post — something ever so sexy, but not topless. If you google x-celebrity sexy, your male results are always going to be very different from female results, and this search was no exception. The sexy Pratt search reveals more facial expressions, whereas the sexy Law results focus on her body (that’s a whole other discussion). This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed Lawrence has a lot of pictures that feature her oddly contorted, and it’s left me wondering if the actress isn’t carrying out her own subversive campaign against the kind of photos advertisers and magazines inexplicably deem enticing (I’m talking to you, Victoria’s Secret). Because who find these truly sexy? (Don’t get me wrong; Jennifer Lawrence is clearly gorgeous and seductive, but the posing is super-awkward.)
The question is, are photographers and magazines setting up these awkward poses on shoots, or is JLaw purposely throwing a wrench into their sexy playbook?
That arm thing can’t be an accident, can it?
Then again, if Lawrence is as down-to-earth real as we think and hope she is (it’s a huge part of her charm), maybe she’s just doing her darndest to be sexy, and it just comes out all arms and elbows and awkward angles? Personally, I prefer to think she’s singlehandedly undermining the entire advertising industry.
Honestly, what’s not sexy about our JLaw?
The awkward only makes her better.