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'Game of Thrones' Deleted Scenes Reveal Bronn Consoling Shae, and Brokenhearted Daenerys

By Cindy Davis | Videos | February 10, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | February 10, 2015 |

In between not so patiently waiting for Game of Thrones April 12th return, we can content ourselves checking out the extras included in the season 4 Blu-Ray — although not until February 17th. But with this past Sunday’s behind-the-scenes special, and these sweet deleted scenes, we’ll manage to hang on just a little longer together, won’t we? I especially love this first clip, which gives a glimpse at Bronn’s introspective side, and lets us in on his thought process — remember when he turned down Tyrion’s request to champion against the Mountain (wise move)? As he tries to console a spurned Shae, Bronn likens their professional longevity, and gives her a little sage advice.

The second clip is less wordy, and a little more heartbreaking, with another would-be-lover sent away.

Come back, Jorah! What good are dragons and Seven Kingdoms without the love of a sensitive knight?


Sure, the second scene is easily a pass, but Bronn advising Shae? That one’s a keeper.

As always, the gorgeousness:



DanyMissandei .jpg

(via Winter Is Coming)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)