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SNL's Please Don't Destroy Picture Proceeding To Peacock

By Andrew Sanford | TV | May 9, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | May 9, 2023 |

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2021 saw the addition of several new cast members to Saturday Night Live. Personally, this was one of the first times I was familiar with a few of the new people. First, there was James Austin Johnson. JAJ had gained prominence online for his Trump impression, an impression he would bring to the show (albeit with more makeup). The other people I knew were the comedy troupe Please Don’t Destroy.

Like JAJ, I discovered PDD on Twitter. During lockdown, they began releasing short videos that knocked me on my ass. They were funny, intelligent, and absurd, all of the qualities you see on display from them on SNL. There was one video in particular about vaccines that has stuck with me to this day.

I wasn’t the only one who was impressed with the trio. In 2021 they would be invited to join Saturday Night Live. It’s easier when Lorne Michaels was probably at your first birthday party, but I digress. The crew has fit in well at SNL and even wrote and starred in a (for now) untitled film. The film also stars Conan O’Brien, Meg Stalter, and Bowen Yang. It was initially slated to release in theaters on August 18th, but that is no longer true.

Yesterday it was announced that the first film from this trio will release straight to Peacock. Variety suggests the tough market for big-screen comedies without stars is to blame. However, Universal itself did not offer any clarification as to why the release was delayed. I don’t see this move affecting the trio’s success, but it will destroy my dream of seeing Conan on the biggest screen. In other words, I’m taking this personally.