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Conan O'Brien Needs A Doctor

By Andrew Sanford | TV | February 23, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | February 23, 2023 |

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People faking illnesses for sympathy is not new. Nor is people faking illnesses for money. People fake illnesses to avoid tests. Let’s not forget the people who fake illnesses to escape jury duty! The point is people pretend to be sick all the time. So, we shouldn’t judge Conan O’Brien for doing the same.

Back in November, Conan hosted a live show in NYC. There, an Audiologist asked Conan a question. He then revealed that he could help Conan with hearing issues if he had any. Conan left the show wanting to set up an appointment. Then all of his friends began reaching out. They all excitedly recommended doctors to help, but Conan didn’t actually have issues. That said, he enjoyed the attention.

This led Conan to pitch the idea of pretending to have an ailment that needs curing. The ailment in question? Enlarged nipples. To be fair, they eventually land on enlarged areolas. They are so enlarged that there is significant overlap on Conan’s sternum. Of all the ailments in the world, Conan landed on enlarged nipples immediately. He had a joke in a holster, ready to draw.

Conan is such a (purposefully) ridiculous man that sometimes it’s hard to tell when he is being serious. Surely his claim of having enlarged areolas is in jest. That said, I’m holding out hope that he receives a few phone calls with specialist recommendations. Then, I need Conan to name names concerning who gave him those recommendations. Then we’ll truly know who has the big areolas!