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Sisqo And Amber Ruffin Deserve Their Own Game Show

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 16, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 16, 2022 |

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Carpool Karaoke got its own show. Ditto for Lip Sync Battle. There was even that James Corden rap battle show Drop the Mic that was produced by the “shrimp in my Cinnamon Toast Crunch also I’m a jerk to women” guy (member him?). Plenty of late-night recurring bits have been given their own show. It’s time for Amber Ruffin to get the same opportunity, and Sisqo should be right there with her!

Recently, Ruffin brought the Thong Song singer onto her show to play The Wrong Song. The premise is simple (and fun), Sisqo and Amber are challenged to change lyrics to popular Sisqo tunes while still rhyming with the original lyrics. It leads to some delightful wordplay, and is harder for the people involved than I expected!

Obviously, to make the show successful they would have to have a different singer/songwriter for every episode. Likely a different person to challenge them as well. That said, Ruffin and Sisqo should stay on as hosts. Not only do they have incredible chemistry, but they’re also both having so much fun.

It was also fun to see how much of a dweeb Sisqo is. I mean that in the nicest way possible! I love dweebs. At one point, Sisqo can’t figure out a 420 joke even though it’s soft-balled to him. It’s just so wonderfully lame. He also took the segment super seriously, to the point where it felt like he was auditioning, but not in an uncomfortable way. Sisqo sees the same potential I do. I know it!

Do your thing, Peacock. Greenlight The Wrong Song tomorrow and watch your subscriptions go through the roof! Or, like, make a season of it and then send it to Netflix for more. I’ll be happy with either.