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Seth Meyers Tries Really Hard Not to Lose His S—

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 11, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 11, 2024 |


Do you need a recap on the latest clusterf—- surrounding Donald Trump, Kari Lake, and their contradictory positions on abortion? Buckle the hell up because Seth Meyers is here to guide us through this particular circle of Republican hell.

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year, setting off a domino effect of draconian state-level abortion bans, an Arizona court went ahead and resurrected a pre-statehood law that would make abortion legal in almost every instance. What the actual f—-?

But leave it to the GOP to somehow make this already confusing situation even more of a shitshow. Donald Trump has spent years taking credit for appointing the justices on the Supreme Court who killed Roe. “That’s exactly what I said I’d do!” Trump has bragged, one of the few times he accomplished what he promised.

However, now that the fallout from those decisions has proven to be a disaster — not just for women’s rights, but for Republicans at the polls — Trump is backpedaling. “It’s a state’s rights issue!” he’s now insisting, desperate to distance himself from the monster he created.

And on the other side, you’ve got Kari Lake, the MAGA-mouth running for Senate in Arizona. Lake has repeatedly expressed her support for that very same pre-statehood abortion law that just got revived. She was all about it … until the court actually upheld the damn thing. Then suddenly, Lake was like, “Whoa, hold up, I disagree with this decision!”

It takes some real mental gymnastics to go from staunchly supporting an extreme anti-abortion law to pretending you never agreed with it in the first place. But when you’re a shameless grifter like Kari Lake or Donald Trump, I guess the only thing you’re truly consistent about is being a hypocrite. But the real cherry on top is some right-wing radio dipshit going on Fox News and trying to claim that Donald Trump is actually a “moderate” on the issue.

The only silver lining here is being able to watch Seth Meyers try really really hard not to completely lose his shit. Bless him.