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Rihanna Still Thinks Kyle Richards and Morgan Wade Are a Couple: ‘I Mean, Duh’

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | April 10, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | April 10, 2024 |


When the speculation about Kyle Richards and Morgan Wade being a couple started, I was like, “Good for you, Kyle!” And then she kept denying it, and then I watched the most recent season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and saw her marriage falling apart and I was like, “Okay, girl, whatever you say…” because she was clearly going through it and, like, let her live, you know?

But then it came up again at the reunion and she…didn’t really deny it? She denied that they were currently dating, I guess, but not that they ever would? It was confusing. And after the press she’d been doing where she was basically like, “Everyone leave me alone, please,” but once again not denying it I was like, “Girlfriend, what the hell is going on?”

Listen, when and where and how and if someone comes out is no one’s business but their own, and I honestly hate the way this story has taken over the RHOBH universe—the gay panic from the likes of Dorit Kemsley et al. is gross and disappointing but not at all surprising—but come on! Doesn’t she have a publicist or a PR person or something? Just deny it and then come back a year from now and be like, “Actually, I am gay! Whoopsie-doopsie!” Or deny it forever! No one cares! Go get your gay life or your straight life or whatever life you want, girl!

Rihanna, a superfan who’s met Richards, agrees.

“I mean, duh,” she said in her recent Interview Magazine cover story. As in, “duh” Richards and Wade are an item. She said what we’re all thinking.

“Listen, I love Kyle,” she continued. “It’s weird commenting on her relationship because I don’t know the facts. I just feel like she was able to re-observe her marriage through a new lens.” She thinks maybe Wade makes Richards “feel valued” and “cute and quirky and fun” while her husband, Mauricio Umanksy, takes her “for granted.”

“And that’s why I believe that there’s something with Morgan, because sometimes, it takes that for you to fight for what you deserve.” Exactly! We’re all rooting for you, Kyle!

As for Allison DuBois, the medium who predicted the split between Richards and Umansky at that fateful dinner party all those years ago, Rihanna declined to comment.

“Man, stop, I’m not getting into that,” she said. “You messy bitch.”