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‘Love Is Blind’ Alum Nick Thompson Says He's Almost Homeless, Blames Netflix

By Emma Chance | TV | August 2, 2023 |

By Emma Chance | TV | August 2, 2023 |

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Nick Thompson from season 2 of the Netflix reality dating series Love Is Blind says he’s basically homeless and it’s all Netflix’s fault. He told the Daily Mail that he lost his job after appearing on the show and can’t find a new one.

“I burned through my savings [and] cashed out my 401(k). I’ve got two months left in the bank to pay my mortgage. I can’t get a job because people don’t take me seriously,” he said.

Thompson claims that he was paid $7.14 per hour while filming the show, which amounted to a total of roughly $10,000 for 10 weeks, and that there was never any discussion of residual pay.

“When you think about the amount of money that’s being made, and the way that it’s the path for future seasons, and the fact that anyone can go on and watch me … and I’m going to be homeless,” he insisted.

Thompson also reiterated previous claims that he and his other cast mates were manipulated by producers and psychologists while filming the show.

“You are filming 18 to 20 hours a day, and that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re always going to be on TV, but you’re miked up from the moment you get there in the morning, and you’re miked up all the way until you leave,” he explained.

“Then when you go home at the end of the day, you’re locked in your hotel room without a key without your wallet without money without identification. You literally are held captive like a prisoner and there is absolutely no reason that you shouldn’t be considered an employee when you’re technically under the control of your employer for 24 hours a day.”

After his experience on Love Is Blind, Thompson founded the Unscripted Cast Advocacy Network or UCAN, to provide “mental health and legal support to past, present, and future reality television stars.” He discusses UCAN and the issues they address on his YouTube series, “Eyes Wide Open with Nick Thompson”.

Sounds like he and Bethenny Frankel should talk.