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Jimmy Kimmel Surprises His Kids With Olivia Rodrigo In Adorable Video

By Andrew Sanford | TV | October 25, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | October 25, 2023 |

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I have never been good about listening to “current” music. Once I stopped needing to ride the bus to school, I listened to the radio less and less. I never watched MTV, but I loved VH1. Most of my music came from movies I loved (Back To The Future turned me into an enormous Huey Lewis and The News fan). There have been several times in my life when I heard a popular song and only recognized it because I knew the Weird AL parody. All of that is to say that I have only heard one Olivia Rodrigo song.

It’s not because I don’t want to listen to her. I’m even a little more current than I usually am (I know who Doja Cat is! And Dua Lipa!). Still, the first time I heard a Rodrigo original was in the new iPhone commercial. It’s only a snippet, but it’s pretty good! I didn’t think I would go out and look up her entire catalog, but then I saw her surprise Jimmy Kimmel’s kids.

I am always more inclined to support someone’s art if I know they’re a good person. I’ll never know for sure unless I know someone personally. Yet, some people make public shows of goodwill and kindness that I hope are genuine. Look at John Cena setting records for the Make-A-Wish Foundation! Olivia may have surprised two rich kids whose dad has resources some of their classmates may never dream of, but still!

To be fair, if I could surprise my kids like this, I would too. Kimmel’s kids are so happy. Olivia is so nice to them. The whole thing made me feel so good! I’m also glad that Kimmel’s kids are not like me, or else it would have been a lot harder to surprise them. Unless my parents found out how to pick up Bo Donaldson, it would have been hard to get me excited. But he actually may have been hitchhiking.