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Hugh Jackman Reportedly Had an Affair with Sutton Foster

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 14, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 14, 2023 |


What began as a rumor low-key floating around in the Internet ether has blown up into an actual story reported in some of the slightly more respectable gossip spots, like Page Six and In Touch. According to “multiple sources,” Hugh Jackman had an affair with his Music Man co-star, Bunheads’s, Sutton Foster, who was also married.

The affair is not recent. Jackman and Foster became romantically involved in 2022. According to Page Six, his relationship with Foster is why Jackman left his wife of 27 years, Deborra-Lee Furness. The relationship between Jackman and Foster is apparently an open secret in Broadway circles.

Reportedly, Jackman and Foster — who married Ocean’s 11 screenwriter Ted Griffin in 2014 — are still in a relationship and plan to spend the rest of their lives together. Despite their respective spouses, the relationship sounds more sweet than messy.

Hugh Jackman will appear as Wolverine alongside Ryan Reynolds next summer in Deadpool 3.