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Twitter's #ThingsMoreTrustedThanTrump Is Here To Make You Forget WWIII

By Jodi Smith | Politics | April 8, 2017 |

By Jodi Smith | Politics | April 8, 2017 |

It’s been a shit week. 2015 me would have never thought that clowns would be the least frightening part of my week in 2017. Here we are, with a “president” that distracts us by firing missiles at a forewarned target and pretending that people he refuses entry to our country are the reason he did this. Like that fucker has a heart.

Anyway, Twitter to the rescue! Trending right now is #ThingsMoreTrustedThanTrump and they are more lit than Trumpy’s liar pants right now. Enjoy!

The header image is Tom Hardy in the amazing movie Locke. Watch it.