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Are We Ever Going Back To Bras?

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | August 6, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | August 6, 2020 |


A lot of our day-to-day lives have changed. One of the minor yet most persistent elements of this is how we dress for “work.” Forget putting pumps in your purse or wearing a fully pressed dress. These days, you can be business-casual on top and ratty pajamas on the bottom and no one in your Zoom conference call will know. Those who don’t need to gussy up for video-chats have slid even farther into cozy clothes. For a lot of women around the world, the first article to be tossed aside has been our over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders. So, when the world goes back to some semblance of normal, will we return to wearing bras?

A tweet from screenwriter Elizabeth Hackett (Falling Inn Love) sparked a slew of responses that suggest the future for bras is uncertain.

Here’s the original tweet:

Here are some highlights found in the replies:

Sure, there are some boob-havers whose plenty demands some support. But having learned to live in the comfort of sports bras, bralettes, and bathing suit tops, how many of us are planning to go back to the daily prison of underwire, padding, cinching clasps, and snapping straps?

Weigh in below. Are you done with bras?

(Warning to boobless bros: gross comments and dumb jokes will be deleted. Not everything needs to be about you.)