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Alec Baldwin Puts the Nail in Bill O'Reilly's Career on 'SNL'

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | April 9, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | April 9, 2017 |

Bill O’Reilly has managed to survive a number of sexual harassment scandals over the years, but when the NYTimes mentioned them all in one article and put a price tag of $13 million on O’Reilly’s piggish behavior, people finally began to do something about it. Everyone, that is, except for Fox News (and their HR department).

Over the course of the week, O’Reilly has lost 60 advertisers (on Friday’s show, I believe, he was down to 9 advertisers, two of which were for condoms), and I’m not sure how much longer Fox News can keep their guy around. Alec Baldwin’s spot-on impression of O’Reilly (he really does nail the mannerisms) should hasten O’Reilly’s hopeful departure, because this sketch is likely to get around over the next 24 hours and by Monday, hopefully, even Durex and Trojan will bail on the humiliated Fox News personality.

It’s all the more damning, of course, because O’Reilly can’t respond to it, because that would mean actually bringing up the sexual harassment settlements, something he has thus far refused to do on air.