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The WGA Strike Against the AMPTP's Unfair Pay to Continue Indefinitely

By Lainey Bobainey | Pajiba Love | August 5, 2023 |

By Lainey Bobainey | Pajiba Love | August 5, 2023 |


The WGA and the AMPTP met yesterday for the first time since the strike began to see if they could agree to continue talking. There has been no such agreement made yet, although all the reporting suggests that the AMPTP has to discuss the issue with their people (the CEOs) before they can agree to continue talking. One interesting sticking point is that the WGA says they won’t cross picket lines, so even if they iron out an agreement, they won’t go back to work until the AMPTP has also agreed with SAG. That’s solidarity! (Deadline)

Casey Affleck and Summer Phoenix’s 20ish-year-old son Indiana was cast in an indie film alongside his mom, and director Amy Redford (yes, daughter of Robert) makes a point to say there was no favoritism. No, none. - (Lainey Gossip)

What Is the Barbenheimer Dating Trend? - (PS)

Frankly, this Malibu Barbie Dream Drizzle Cheesesteak doesn’t look very appetizing (and the name sounds kind of … diarrhea-ish), but it really does seem fun, dammit! I have to admit that I would probably eat it if I were in the area. - (Today)

You can have your very own Weird Barbie! - (EW)

We’ve got about another week of the dog days of summer. I hope everyone’s doing ok and the power grids are holding up! I’m fascinated by this article explaining the dew point and how “relative humidity” is a pretty meaningless metric. - (VOX)

If you haven’t watched Jury Duty on FreeVee yet, stop reading this and go watch it. Seriously, you won’t regret it - it’s hilarious (and kinda’ sweet)! If you have watched it, you will definitely know what scene this article is referring to when James Marsden almost blew the whole thing by spraying too much poop spray. - (People)

Never seen an episode of the reality series Selling Sunset or The Flipping El Moussas, but I get the feeling that Tarek El Moussa isn’t here to make friends. h/t Roxana - (LAT)

Remember the Boston cop who ate it on the slide? Grown-ass adult businesspeople are now lining up, sometimes for as long as FORTY-FIVE MINUTES, in the middle of the day to ride on THE DEATH SLIDE the children’s slide at the playground. - (Jezebel)

I don’t understand a few of the words in this headline, but I figure most people who are younger than I am will. “Twitch streamer facing charges of inciting a riot after threatening to give away PS5s.” It’s about video games or something, I think. Probably. Don’t try to explain it to me. I don’t care. The last video game I played was Galaga. - (AVC)

I also don’t understand how Lily Allen looks tall in all of these pictures (it’s not just me, right? She looks much taller than 5’2”, right? RIGHT?) - (GFY)

Richard E. Grant talks about his wife and their long marriage, her illness and death, and the friends who did and didn’t show up when they were needed the most. - (Celebitchy)

It’s a new month, so it’s time to talk about peri-menopause again! Hey, did you know your periods might be a goddamn carnival ride of “what in the actual f*ck is even happening NOW?” each month for, I don’t know, years? It’s fun. It’s so fun! - (SM)