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The ‘Fast & Furious’ Franchise Is Sticking With Vin Diesel

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | February 24, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | February 24, 2024 |


Good morning! I’m filling in for Lainey, so she can enjoy a much-deserved weekend of merriment with her hubby. Let’s do this thing.

Back in December, Vin Diesel was sued by a former assistant over damning allegations of sexual battery raising the questions about the future of the Fast & Furious franchise. Diesel’s lawyers have denied the allegations and claim to have proof exonerating the actor, but the situation has been quiet — until now. Diesel recently posted on Instagram that he’s already met with the writers and producers for the Fast & Furious finale, and apparently, it’s full steam ahead with Dom Toretto in the driver’s seat. Hoo boy. Bold move for Universal, Cotton, let’s see how it works for them. (The Wrap)

Tom Cruise is teaming up with Alejandro Iñárritu for the first project to come out of his new deal with Warner Bros. Discovery. (Lainey Gossip)

Freedom-loving Republicans want everyone to dress modestly and stop having recreational sex. (Wonkette)

Kayleigh wrote about the film version of Queen of the Damned and its messy nu-metal legacy. (Certified Forgotten)

More of this Jon Stewart, please, and less of looking into the camera and solemnly saying that America will be fine no matter who wins the election, which was always the main issue with Stewart’s return. The jokes about Biden being old were fair game and not the problem. Heck, some of them were actually funny! Even I laughed, and I’m Captain Normie Shitlib III over here. (Uproxx)

After Jonathan Majors blew up Avengers: Kang Dynasty, Shang-Chi director Destin Daniel Cretton hopped over to Lionsgate where he’ll tackle a live-action Naruto film. (IndieWire)

A New Orleans magician says a Democratic operative paid him to make the fake Biden robocall. (NBC News)

Werner Herzog has described the first 30 minutes of Barbie as “sheer hell,” but here’s the thing: That could easily be a compliment. The man loves seeing hell on camera. Of course, there’s also a chance he genuinely hated the movie. Could go either way! (A.V. Club)

Alabama’s chilling embryo ruling is already ruining lives. (The Mary Sue)

Warner Bros. has officially acknowledged that Suicide Squad Kills The Justice League is a hot turd that got the life choked out of it by live-service nonsense. (Kotaku)

Stop putting your wet iPhones in rice. (Gizmodo)

From Jen: 😭😭😭😭