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The Jonathan Majors Situation Just Got Way Worse

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | April 19, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | April 19, 2023 |


It’s starting to become very clear why Jonathan Majors’ management and PR team quit. Despite claims by his attorney that the domestic violence charges would be “dropped imminently,” the exact opposite seems to be happening. According to a new report, multiple women have come forward with allegations of abuse and are cooperating with the Manhattan DA’s office. There’s also this little tidbit: “Disney has the added wrinkle in that the alleged victim in the Manhattan incident also worked on this year’s Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, a film in which Majors was third-billed as Kang the Conqueror.” That’s the smell of toast, folks. (Variety)

The news that Halle Berry and Angelina Jolie are doing an action movie together is what we need. (Lainey Gossip)

Charlie Sheen and Chuck Lorre made up. (Dlisted)

Nick and Vanessa Lachey’s Love Is Blind hosting gig didn’t go great. (Celebitchy)

Hey, remember when Elon Musk and his Twitter Files made a huge freaking deal about the previous Twitter regime blocking the reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop? Elon is literally doing the same exact thing for Matt Walsh’s pasty transphobic ass. (Daily Beast)

In similar shit-burger news, Ron DeSantis can go to hell. (CNN)

Redbox is very interested in Netflix’s abandoned DVD operation. (THR)

If you’re Joaquin Phoenix’s friend, don’t even think of saying a word to him about his movies. Not one! (IndieWire)

Taylor Swift dodged being dragged into the FTX debacle by asking one smart question and passing on $100 million when she didn’t like the answer. (Jezebel)

Amazon and Tolkien’s estate got hit with a bonkers LOTR lawsuit. (AV Club)

People are using a “Grandma exploit” to break AI. (Kotaku)

While watching Alfred Molina’s expressive eyebrows in Three Pines, esme realized she had been reading Louise Penny’s Inspector Gamache series out of order and needed to go back to the start. “This book addressed themes that recur in subsequent books: how the past, and our failures to wrangle it…influences our present; the search for belonging; and the power of light to banish darkness.” Have you read Penny’s series, or watched the TV show? (Cannonball Read 15)

From Andrew: