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Just How Simple-Minded Do Disney's Merchandisers Think We Are?

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | October 15, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | October 15, 2015 |

Really, Target? Really? I thought we were past this.

Remember when Target said they were going to do away with separating boys’ and girls’ toys and bedding and other departments? Remember when their “Share the Force” campaign made us feel all warm and fuzzy and like we were all included in this big cuddly family in a galaxy far, far away? Well, we may have let our hearts get a little too warm, too fast. Today, a father who goes by G33kDad on Twitter went looking for a Leia shirt and instead, found Leia had been replaced.

Funny, I don’t remember Luke being in that scene. Right, because he wasn’t.

It’s not like this “joke” would be any different if Leia were still on the shirt. Does Target or Disney or whoever is behind this really think that the shirt wouldn’t have sold well if she hadn’t been removed? Would little boys recoil in horror from having an iconic female character from a movie they love resting on their torsos? Now, Target says it was a mistake, and that they’re on it.

And it’s no surprise that geek dad came up empty handed. Based on Target’s online catalogue, of the 57 Star Wars shirts in the Boys’ department, there was one image of Leia, and no other female characters:
Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 6.11.47 PM.png

Of the six Star Wars shirts in the girls’ department, there were zero female characters.
Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 6.14.39 PM.png

I really hate how much I love that throwback baseball shirt, but I doubt I would mind if the merch team didn’t feel the need to bedazzle and cute-ify the entirety of the girls’ department. We’re better than that, Disney. You should be too.

Via The Mary Sue.