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A Jordan Peele Tweet May Have Provided a (Disturbing) Clue About the Plot of 'Nope'

By Dustin Rowles | Film | February 22, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | February 22, 2022 |


Last week, the trailer for Jordan Peele’s Nope premiered during the Super Bowl (and also on the Internet the same day). It didn’t provide a lot of details, besides the fact that it stars Steven Yeun, Keke Palmer, and Daniel Kaluuya; that it takes place on a Black-owned ranch; and it definitely seems to involve something in the sky. Whatever it is unnerves the horses and the film’s characters, and may involve characters being pulled into the clouds. It’s a good trailer, in that it is both intriguing and also gives very little away.

On Sunday night, Jordan Peele dropped another tantalizing clue about the film, this one coming from a Today show clip about a strange phenomenon last week in Chihuahua, Mexico wherein a large number of birds seen on security footage suddenly drop dead mid-flight and rain down from the sky. If you don’t want to see the deaths of numerous birds, you should bail on this clip.

Obviously, since it happened only last week, it did not provide inspiration for the movie Nope. Peele saw a marketing opportunity in this mysterious* phenomenon and took advantage of Mother Nature’s disturbing gift. It does, however, contribute more evidence to suggest that Nope is about something in the sky that affects animals of all kinds, including humans.

Nope, by the way, opens on July 22nd, 2022.

*This may not be much of a mystery, as experts have suggested the flock of birds may have been trying to avoid a predatory bird, like a hawk, and in doing so, crashed into one another and died.