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Tiffany Haddish Jokes About Her DUI The Day After Arrest

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | November 27, 2023 |

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | November 27, 2023 |

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Around 6:00AM on Friday morning, Tiffany Haddish was arrested for a DUI in Beverly Hills. The 43-year-old drunkenly passed out at the wheel in the middle of Beverly Drive, several hours after performing stand-up at the Laugh Factory’s annual free community Thanksgiving feast.

This was Tiffany’s second DUI in under two years; last January, she was booked for driving under the influence and improperly stopping on a roadway in Atlanta. DUI #1 is set to go to trial on December 4.

Friday’s DUI is the latest in a long line of Tiffany Haddish controversies. See: last September’s sexual abuse lawsuit, spreading vaccine misinformation and doxxing a Black doctor, sexual assault accusations, her support of Andrew Tate, Jonathan Majors, and Chris Brown, and more. Her rep and career have taken a nosedive.

On Friday night, not even half a day after her arrest, Tiffany returned to the Laugh Factory to do more stand-up. Huh. An interesting choice. During the set, an audience member called out, “What happened last night?” Tiffany jokingly replied, “I dunno, you tell me.” After some back and forth, she added, “I prayed to God to send me a man with a job, a career… preferably in uniform. God answered my prayers.” This got a big laugh and a cheer. Later, Tiffany joked that she was hitting on the cops who arrested her: “I was like, “Oooo, don’t bend over!’”

After her set, TMZ photographed Tiffany getting a ride home from the comedy venue. They also tracked down an audio recording with all the DUI jokes.

This isn’t the first time Tiffany used that “man in a uniform” joke to make light of a DUI. She did the same bit on The Tonight Show last year when Jimmy Fallon asked about her 2022 arrest:

While reporting on Tiffany’s arrest on Friday, I wrote that maybe we shouldn’t expect anything better from her; maybe she was just “a shitty person”. Afterwards, I second-guessed my choice of words. Yes, getting behind the wheel wasted is an asshole move that could easily result in innocent people getting injured or killed. But, clearly, Tiffany has some very serious issues with alcohol. And I’ve had my own struggles. Perhaps I should have extended Tiffany a little more grace before condemning her as a bad person.

But ya know what? Making light of your DUI the same day it happened is a shitty thing to do. Yes, this woman is struggling. She needs to get some professional help. But sexual abuse accusations, doxxing, problematic pro-abuser takes, plus two DUIs? Tiffany Haddish has made it really hard to root for her.