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Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis Clearly Had Boundary Issues with Their Nanny

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 22, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 22, 2022 |


At the risk of incurring backlash, I didn’t want to come right out and say this in the salad-dressing post this morning, but when referring to the delicate duties of a nanny, I meant it when I said that there is a very fine line between the personal and the professional in that position. It’s a difficult balance to strike.

After the FMLA ends and before preschool starts, child care is difficult and expensive for parents, particularly if you’re not ready to transport an infant to and from a child-care facility every morning. During that year-long period or so, my wife and I hired someone to watch after our children in our home during the day while we worked. It was a very good experience both times, but that person — a child-care worker, sitter, or nanny — sees you during a very vulnerable time in your life when you’re up all night with infants, you can barely find time to shower, and maybe you stumble down the stairs some mornings wearing a used diaper and the look of a person who hasn’t had coffee in three years.

Whether you’re a celebrity or not, all you can do is trust the nanny to at least limit gossiping about their clients to their closest friends and not the rest of the world. But also, during that year when you barely leave the house (particularly if you work from home), maybe that nanny is the person you see the most besides your own spouse, and maybe you end up confiding in that person the same way you might anyone else who you spend that much time with. It’s hard not to become friends with that person, but you also have to maintain a professional distance.

Based on the latest texts, Sudeikis failed in that regard. His partner left him, and he confided in the person closest in proximity to him. He overshared with someone who was only his friend as long as he continued to pay her. That was a poor idea, particularly for a celebrity. But the nanny also violated this sort of unspoken pact to not air all the dirty laundry or, in this particular case, talk shit about one client (Olivia) to the other client (Jason).

The revelations here are not that revelatory. Olivia, according to the nanny, was more interested in dating Harry Styles than being a mother, and she also continued to send mixed signals to Sudeikis even after the break-up (she swam naked in their pool, and continued to occasionally sleep in the same bed with Jason). I think it’s probably not uncommon slide-back behavior for long-term couples who have recently broken up. I am not gonna judge another person’s relationship. Wilde apparently also wanted to get rid of their dog, because she no longer wanted to care for the dog (and Sudeikis apparently never liked the dog much, to begin with). OK, fine.

More troubling, at least to me, is that Sudeikis clearly discussed his marital woes with the nanny, and the nanny talked shit about Olivia Wilde in those exchanges. That’s not cool. The nanny is being paid to take care of the children not to be a shoulder to cry on. Sudeikis is friends with Marcus Mumford. Go cry on his shoulder. But I also feel like sharing all of this with a tabloid is violative and weird. People are not their best selves when going through a breakup, and as someone who lives in their home, you are privy to a lot of details that you should understand are confidential, whether there’s a signed agreement or not. It’s not cool to share details about people at their most vulnerable. But it’s also not OK to cross certain boundaries with paid employees.

Source: The Daily Mail