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Kelly Clarkson Savages Ex-Husband During Concert

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | August 1, 2023 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | August 1, 2023 |


Kelly Clarkson’s Las Vegas residency kicked off last week, and she’s already giving us the delightfully chaotic content we’ve come to expect from her.

First, she addressed the whole fans throwing stuff at singers thing by saying “If you’re gonna throw shit, throw diamonds.” You could kill a person with a flying diamond. Classic Kelly.

Then, she changed the lyrics to the Gayle song “abcdefu” so that it was crystal clear she was talking directly to her ex, Brandon Blackstock. The two had a very public divorce in 2021, and Clarkson has talked before about the relationship as a whole inspiring most of her latest album, Chemistry.

“Fuck you and your dad and the fact that you got half, and my broken heart, turn that shit into art, fuck you and your view from the valley I bought too, everybody but your dogs, you can all fuck off,” she sang, flipping the bird. I would almost feel bad for the guy but…nah.

The cherry on the cake that was the opening week of the residency was her response to a female fan’s sign that read, “My girlfriend gave me a hall pass for you.”

“If I was into chicks, I would take up the offer. I just unfortunately like dicks,” she replied.

Keep being you, Kelly.