By Andrew Sanford | Celebrity | August 27, 2024 |
By Andrew Sanford | Celebrity | August 27, 2024 |
Plenty of artists put their lives on the line for their art. Stunt performers have made careers by putting themselves at risk so others don’t have to. Trapeze artists swing from death-defying heights, contorting their bodies in the process. Tightrope walkers are a thing! They practice spectacular balance while walking slowly but surely across a… tightrope. But John Cena is in the headline, so we’re here to talk about wrestlers!
Professional wrestlers also climb to death-defying heights, occasionally hurling themselves from their perches and onto an awaiting wrestler. They take massive amounts of damage, on purpose, for more than 300 hundred days of the year. Sometimes they will take a razorblade that has been hidden on their person and cut themselves on the forehead with it to draw blood for the crowds. Still, wrestlers pale in comparison to… stunt comedians.
I don’t know if “stunt comedian” is the correct term, but as an American, I’m just going to say that it is and go with it. Stunt Comedians are funny folks who pull pranks, perform stunts, and beat the living hell out of each other for laughs. My first introduction to such an art form was through Jackass. Eric Andre has joined that elite club in the years since Jackass’s inception (even appearing in one of their films). He has a lot in common with Knoxville and that crew.
Johnny Knoxville, one of the founders of Jackass, wrestled in Wrestlemania 38. He battled with WWE superstar, Sami Zayn. They beat the hell out of each other, with various Jackass-inspired spots. They remain close, as Knoxville has “crashed” several comedy shows put on by Zayn. Wrestlers are perfect companions for Stunt Comedians, which explains why Eric Andre had John Cena on his show.
Cena appeared on The Eric Andrew Show a few years ago. During the appearance, he threw the titular star through a shelf (classic). However, Andre would leave the segment with a concussion, something he told People is not out of the ordinary. “It’s pretty common,” Andre explained to the outlet. “I got through the shelf okay, but we forgot to sandbag the shelf — the frame of the shelf — so the metal frame tipped over and knocked me in the head. I got a concussion and went to the hospital.”
Like pro wrestlers, Andre has bled for his art. “I was trying to hammer the window, but my whole hands went through,” he mentioned, describing a prank he was pulling in Brooklyn. “It sliced me up, and I had to get stitches. I had to go to the hospital for that.” Artists. Going the extra mile. Putting their bodies on the line for the lolz. May Zod bless and keep them.