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Jennifer Lawrence Praises Businesswoman Kylie Jenner In New Interview

By Allyson Johnson | Celebrity | November 27, 2023 |

By Allyson Johnson | Celebrity | November 27, 2023 |


Kylie Jenner has become a major source of ire for the internet due to her recent romantic escapades with Wonka star Timothée Chalamet. But she’s more than that — she’s also apparently really good friends with Jennifer Lawrence, as evident in her recent conversation with the actress for Interview Magazine. As is often the case with these types of profiles where one famous rich celebrity interviews another famous rich celebrity, the questions aren’t hard-hitting and usually default to one telling the other how much they love one another with promises to text.

The interview establishes its tone early after Lawrence asks Jenner who inspires her. This prompts the following exchange:

“JENNER: I make notes if I’m getting inspiration. I’m online a lot. Also, the haters fuel me.

LAWRENCE: That’s so Kim of you.”

Jenner speaks at length about how hard she’s worked for herself with the help of her mother while Lawrence blows smoke.

Some interesting tidbits and insights are peppered throughout, such as the two’s relationship with fame and the invasion of privacy that comes with it, but tone-deaf comments overshadow it. Lawrence calls Jenner “arguably one of the most successful businesswomen who’s ever lived,” and it’s hard to glean if it’s in jest or not.

“LAWRENCE: …When you brought contouring lips into the mainstream, was that something that you learned from a makeup artist or were you doing that technique yourself?

JENNER: I think it started because I just wanted big, fat, juicy lips, and I just wanted that illusion that I had fuller lips. But no one taught me. When I started doing that, I wasn’t really working with makeup artists and stuff.”

It’s easy to dunk on the Kardashians. There’s no doubt, however, that being in the spotlight since early adolescence has had an effect on Jenner. There’s also clearly no self-awareness in these interviews, which look to charm us with her friendship with Lawrence and their inside jokes and back and forth. Which is fine! But it will always be frustrating to see the rich and powerful pretend as if they were doing the legwork when they had teams of people to do it for them. It’s especially frustrating when it comes to the Kardashians, whose effect on modern, unattainable beauty standards have been detrimental to young women as they lie about how much plastic surgery they’ve had while running clothing and beauty lines.

Beauty lines that Jenner liberally describes as having been built from the ground up.

“JENNER: Yeah, I agree. Proving people wrong was a challenge, but so was building it from the ground up. It was me and my mom and we never made a makeup line. We didn’t know where to start. We didn’t have anyone helping us. And my mom thought I was going to be stuck with lip kits in my garage for the rest of my life. I think we ordered 5,000 of each color; that was the minimum. And she was like, ‘You better be ready, Kylie, because you might have a lot of lip kits in your garage for the rest of your life, so you better love these colors.’

LAWRENCE: And then you shut down the entire internet. It broke.

JENNER: And then it broke in two seconds, and that’s when we were like, ‘Okay, how do we do this? How do we make these faster and better?’ We got in my mom’s car and drove all over California and visited all these factories. Finding the best manufacturer was difficult. We were a new company, so growing in front of a lot of people was hard. You don’t have room to make mistakes. But it wasn’t a bad thing. It was so successful and it was the best time of my life.”

As a profile about two celebrity friends who’ve dealt with some genuine hardships and understand one another’s plights as women growing throughout the industry, it’s mildly enlightening if and only if you’re a fan of the two. Otherwise, it’s all hot air.

Source: Interview Magazine