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How Bradley Cooper Can Help BTS With Their Problems

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | August 27, 2019 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | August 27, 2019 |


After I wrote about BTS a couple of weeks ago, I was inundated with dozens of messages, all with the same basic issue: I knew nothing about BTS, and I had to educate myself but quick.

Never one to shrink away from a challenge posed by people I don’t know on the internet, I’ve spent the past two weeks researching BTS in-depth, and friends? I think I have a plan for them, and I’d like to share it now.

Per my understanding of the BTS situation, the announced break is to let the beloved septuple group catch their breath, but also, to emotionally prepare fans for the inevitable: military service is mandated by the Korean government, for all men. Very few exemptions apply, and the ones that do exist do not apply to any member of BTS, currently.

What does that mean? Well, the situation we’re dealing with at present means that the eldest member of BTS, Jin (who was born December 4, 1992) will most likely enroll in the Korean military sometime in 2020. Suga, another member, is not much younger than Jin, (his birthday is March 9, 1993.) However, the youngest member of BTS, Jungkook, is only 21, so he has years of being in a boyband before he must enlist.

Look, there is precedent set for a major popstar at the top of their popularity to enlist in the military and come out of their service just as popular. More so, one might argue:

…but how do you keep momentum on one of the biggest pop groups in the world, when they’re missing two very important members?

Enter Bradley Cooper.


I know it’s a total curveball, but hear me out—what better way to get through key members of your band going away to serve their country for a bit than to draft in a middle-aged Hollywood celebrity who can kinda, sorta sing, and is clearly very thirsty for glory?! It’s perfect, right?

The stunt casting could coast BTS through for at least half of Jin and Suga’s service, and would give Bradley Cooper the sense of belonging it appears he’s very much searching for, due to the sheer number of women he’s been seen out with since his split from his ex. Additionally, it’s not like he could overshadow or outperform the two beloved members. He’s not exactly been working his whole life to sing and dance in a group, has he? But he is a Method actor, so if BTS takes him on, he’ll commit fully.

No, it’s the perfect solution because for each party here, it would clearly only be temporary. I feel like Bradley could put up with the grueling tour schedule of BTS only for so long (eventually all Method actors need a break) and the members, in turn, would probably only be able to hang out with Cooper in a limited amount. That said, it would keep high amounts of attention on each, so why not?

Additionally, it would set the precedent for new, famous benchwarmers each time a member must serve—allowing the group to keep the pace they want, while also, giving members a chance to fulfill their military duty. Then, once all the military service has been completed by BTS members, we could have a secondary, BTS (lite) of all the benchwarmers that the group could send out on their behalf to lesser events, or when they’re sick of touring. Isn’t that the dream?

I honestly see nothing that wouldn’t work with this plan other than a fear of the unknown. In corporate speak we call this synergy. In every day speak, we call this a good idea.

Now, I’m not saying this is a done deal, or that it’s even going to happen.

…but if it does, you heard it here first, folks.