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Fran Drescher Wants Cardi B for ‘The Nanny’ Reboot. So Does the Rest of the World.

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | September 19, 2019 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | September 19, 2019 |


As a general rule, I’m not super on board with all these relics of the ’90s getting rebooted lately (BH90210 being the obvious exception). However, I will make an exception for a version of The Nanny that stars Cardi B, because honestly, I have never heard of anything more perfect in my life.

Fran Drescher, the original Nanny and also she of the Beautician and the Beast fame (an excellent movie), is leading the charge on this one. Thank you, Fran.

Per ET Online:

The Nanny star Fran Drescher, who also executive produced the classic ’90s sitcom, tells ET that she has had talks with Cardi B’s team about bringing back her iconic character, Fran Fine, for a modern take on the show.

“That was just kind of laying out groundwork,” Drescher says of the meeting. “I do think she’s great, and she would be kinda like my top choice, if she’s disciplined to do this show every week. It can be a grind, but she’s got a baby now and it could be a very comfortable, lovely way to, you know, work, be seen worldwide, and still do mini-concert tours when you’re on hiatus.”

If you think this would be a Drescher-less Nanny, think again, pal:

“We would have to write it for somebody else, which I would be excited to do actually,” she shares. “I could play Sylvia, the mom. And John Leguizamo could play [Fran’s dad], Morty. So, you know, we’ll see. There’s a lot of opportunities to do something fantastic with it and bring it right into the 21st century.”

OK, let me get this straight. Fran Drescher, Cardi B (who is a perfect choice to play the 21st century Fran Fine. Perfect, friends) and Chi-Chi Rodriguez herself, John Leguizamo!? Seriously, where is the petition to sign to make this happen?


Whoever plays Mr. Sheffield will only be gravy on top of the already amazing cast list.

Personally, I would love it if they could get Eddie Redmayne, who would be honking glorious in the role, if he would ever do a sitcom.


Whoever they cast, they just need to keep Mr. Sheffield a fancy man, with a fancy accent, and they can’t go wrong here.

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