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Bill Maher Thinks Louis C.K. Has Been Punished Enough

By Andrew Sanford | Celebrity | May 14, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | Celebrity | May 14, 2024 |


Louis C.K. admitted to sexual misconduct in 2018. He was accused and admitted that the allegations against him were true. He lost his show on FX, and several other networks and companies cut ties with him. Four years later, he won a Grammy. A Grammy! A year after that, he sold out Madison Square Garden. He has toured, put out albums, and been on f***ing podcasts consistently since admitting to sexual misconduct. Bill Maher thinks he’s suffered enough.

Maher recently sat down for an episode of his podcast, Club Random, with fellow comedian Bill Burr. C.K. was brought up and poor little Bill’s heart nearly burst. “I mean, don’t get me started on that,” Maher said to Burr. “Isn’t it time everyone just went: ‘OK, It wasn’t a cool thing to do, but it’s been long enough and welcome back.’ Enough! I mean for Christ’s sake, it’s not the end of the world. People have done so much worse things and gotten less. There’s no rhyme or reason to the #MeToo-type punishments.”

Sweet, bleeding heart Bill. It wasn’t cool, everybody. You heard him! But that doesn’t mean C.K. should be forced into a life of obscurity. How will he get by, receiving standing ovations in sold-out arenas, but without a TV show? What will Louis do, winning a Grammy but not an Oscar? What good is fame, if only most people have ignored your past improprieties? And the money! “They took $50 million, I think they punished him,” Bill stated, struggling to fight back tears (allegedly. We actually don’t know if Bill Maher can cry).

Thank goodness that Bill Burr was there to also take a much-needed jab at Cancel Culture. “It started off with something everyone could agree on, and then quickly it just spun out of control,” Burr chimed in. “I remember whenever that cancel culture got to the point of where it was, ‘I don’t like some of the topics in your stand-up act,’ right? That’s when it got weird. Cancel culture … it’s over. No one cares anymore.” The other Bill isn’t wrong.

People don’t care if Louis was “canceled,” because he wasn’t. People don’t get “canceled.” Some lose work. Others, on rare occasions, go to prison. But those are consequences for real improprieties. Louis admitted to sexual misconduct and has still been able to continue doing his dream job. He has the support of many of his peers. Again, he won a f***ing Grammy. He is fine. The man doesn’t need people standing up for him. There is no injustice to lament. Be serious, Bill Squared.

To be fair, Maher was serious at one point in the interview. After Burr declared that Cancel Culture was over, Maher assured him that their necks were still on the line. “That’s so not true,” Maher explained. “Either one of us could get canceled in the next two minutes.” Honestly, Bill Times Two, go ahead and get canceled. It sounds like a sweet deal.