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Bill Maher, Jerry Seinfeld Are Fine with Another Trump Term; It Won't Affect Them

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 7, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 7, 2024 |


Joe Biden has many things working against him this November, primarily his age — if he were ten years younger, he’d probably be up by five points — but also a situation in Gaza that is alienating younger voters, college protests that are alienating older voters, and some things — like the cost of groceries — that are largely out of his control. Is Trump also old? Yes. Is Trump facing a bunch of criminal charges? Yes. But those things don’t matter because Trump’s voters do not live in reality.

Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Maher live in a reality, it’s just not one that most of us inhabit. They have money, fame, and indifference going for them, which is why Maher recently stated that “we live in the most amazing fucking times” and conceded that, if Trump becomes President again, “I’m not gonna go nuts.” From The Daily Beast, quoting Maher’s podcast with Seinfeld:

“We walked out here today [and] we weren’t like, evaporated by the rays of the sun or something. It was a beautiful day. The grass is green. The sky is blue.” He went on to say that while he acknowledges that “there’s lots of poisons everywhere and lots of terrible things,” he’s realized with age that these are wonderful times. “Trump could do this, and democracy, and blah, blah, blah—nuclear war,” he added, but “I’m not gonna fucking go nuts again, if he wins another term. I just can’t.”

“I’m not gonna lose my nervous system about Trump again,” Maher added. “If he ends the world, he is gonna end the world.” Instead of pushing back, Seinfeld simply laughed along and indicated that he too is trying to stay even-keeled about the prospect of Trump’s return to office.

And that’s the truth — if Trump wins again, it probably will not affect Maher and Seinfeld because they’re too rich to be bothered by his policies, too old to care about what another Trump term does to the environment, and too indifferent to the fact that another Trump term will mean not only a conservative Supreme Court for another generation but for the rest of many of our lifetimes.

Genuinely, if Trump wins, many of us will never see another liberal majority again.

And who will suffer the most? Sadly, many of the young people opposed to Biden — they will have to live with that Supreme Court — as well as the people of color polls say are abandoning Biden. They will have to live with the affirmative action agenda that Trump is planning for white people.

Meanwhile, women in red states will be spied on and arrested if they have abortions, up to 11 million people will be deported, and the pardon of all the January 6th convictions will give Americans the belief that violence is OK, as long as it is in furtherance of the Trump agenda. And they will be right.

But it won’t affect Bill Maher or Jerry Seinfeld.

“I had dinner with people and they’re like, ‘Oh, the world’s ending,’” Maher said during the podcast. “Look around you, you fuck, you dumbass. We’re at this fucking awesome restaurant, they’re bringing you this food, this dinner’s gonna cost $700 and [you’re not] even gonna fucking blink and pay the check. Shut the fuck up about how terrible things are.”

That is so true … for people who can afford $700 meals. Everyone else? You’re on your own.