By Dustin Rowles | Case Study In Hotness | December 2, 2016 |
By Dustin Rowles | Case Study In Hotness | December 2, 2016 |
I don’t know when the last time I cared about a Rolling Stones track was, and this one — “Ride Em On Down” — is generic blues rock, but the video is old-school sexy. It sees Kristen Stewart joyriding a ‘65 Mustang, smoking a cigarette and dancing in front of a gas pump with a lit cigarette like someone who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the fire code.
I never had much interest in Kristen Stewart before, but “Ride Em On Down” hits all those Southern-boy buttons, for better or worse.
True Story: I used to drive a ‘66 Mustang. It smelled like gasoline, and you couldn’t hear the radio over the muffler, and I spent half my waking hours working under the hood on it, but it was the coolest thing I will ever, ever own.
I sold it to pay for orthodontics.