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Twitter Users Reminisce About Some Of Their Favorite Pre-Musk Tweets

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | October 28, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | October 28, 2022 |


I had a day not long ago that I decided to devote to one thing and one thing only: not being on Twitter. Not opening it once, in any form, and not looking at anything anywhere that even looked like a tweet. And, man, what a trip that was! A roller coaster of minor anxiety, periodic elation, serenity, FOMO, and then—on returning to it—guilt and a sullied sort of comfort. Twitter is a bas*ard. Incredibly addictive, it has reshaped the way I talk, write, and think. Author Richard Seymour wrote about social media and its effects both macro and micro in his 2019 book ‘The Twittering Machine’:

This situation is completely without precedent, and it is now evolving so quickly that we can barely keep track of where we are. And the more technology evolves, the more that new layers of hardware and software are added, the harder it is to change. This is handing tech capitalists a unique source of power. As the Silicon Valley guru Jaron Lanier puts it, they don’t have to persuade us when they can directly manipulate our experience of the world.

And, hey, now Elon Musk owns Twitter! It’s official. It remains to be seen just how much will change under this idiot’s rule, but the transaction has had Twitter users wondering what it might mean in practice, and on the eve of the event they decided to reminisce about some of their absolute favourite moments from the pre-Musk era: