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Twitter Users Ponder Things From 'The Simpsons' They Thought Were Real But That Turned Out To Be Jokes

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | December 13, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | December 13, 2022 |


I know I’ve only just done a Simpsons post, but when the material is this good you can’t be looking a gift horse in the mouth. Cheers to Kayleigh, for alerting me to the fact that Josh Weinstein—part of the writing partnership comprised of Weinstein and Bill Oakley who were key elements in some of the show’s finest moments—had tweeted this delicious prompt:

Much like so many other Simpsons prompts, that’s a real doozy. For someone like me who grew up watching the show religiously, and who—crucially—was not from the US, there were so many things I learned about the country by watching. The writers on The Simpsons had free rein to shape my perception of an entire culture, the end result of which was becoming a living embodiment of Weinstein’s tweet. There were so many responses that I had no idea were examples of made up nonsense, or vice versa! Like: Lee Carvallo isn’t a real golfer! My mind lies shattered in pieces on the floor.

Here, join me on this mind-bending journey, alongside Weinstein himself, who is very engaged on Twitter and who takes the time to respond to a lot of these prompts, before Twitter collapses under the neutron star pressures of a moron’s bruised ego:

And even though the above blew my mind the most, this might have to be the most hilarious: