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Is Phoebe Bridgers's Cover Of The Goo Goo Dolls’ 'Iris' Better Than The Original?

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | November 13, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | November 13, 2020 |


If you were alive in the ’90s, chances are good you know every word to “Iris.” The Goo Goo Dolls hit was a constant on the radio, a soul-cracking part of the City of Angels soundtrack, and has ever since been the perfect song to bust out at karaoke. You want to see the whole room sway and belt out in ’90s angst, you play “Iris.” Even 26-year-old American songstress Phoebe Bridgers knows what’s up, and she was three years old when it came out.

So, on Election Day, while the whole of the nation was glued to TV news or endlessly doomscrolling, desperate for updates, Bridgers made a promise:

Why “Iris?” It’s not like it has much to do with the election. But it’s awesome. So, sure why not.

Anyhow, whether Trump is ready to admit it or not, he lost. So, as promised, Bridgers recorded a cover with fellow ’90s baby Maggie Rogers as a duet.

And that’s not all.

You can download the cover at Bandcamp, donating whatever you like for it. All proceeds from the track go to Fair Fight, the voting rights advocacy organization fronted by Georgia hero Stacey Abrams. So, you want to help be sure Dems get control of the senate? You want to contribute to the potential victories of Democrat Jon Ossoff and Democrat Raphael Warnock? You want to show Abrams and all the folks that made Georgia flip blue that you appreciate them? Throw some money this way. Every little bit helps.

Back to “Iris.” Here’s how Twitter users are reacting to Bridgers and Rogers’ cover:

What do you think? Does it best the original? Take a listen..

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