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'Enter Sandman' As You've Never Heard It Before

By Petr Navovy | Videos | March 22, 2024 |

By Petr Navovy | Videos | March 22, 2024 |


You know what’s nuts? Iconic American band The Doors existed for just five years, yet in that five year span they released six albums. ‘The Doors’ in 1967, ‘Strange Days’ in 1967, ‘Waiting for the Sun’ in 1968, ‘The Soft Parade’ in 1969, ‘Morrison Hotel’ in 1970, and ‘L.A. Woman’ in 1971. That’s a crazy run. Granted, they’re not exactly super dense, long, prog albums, but they’re all, to different degrees, classics, containing a significant number of all-time bangers.

Six albums, of that calibre, in five years. That’s bloody impressive! It ranks right up there with some of the other mind-blowing album release sequences like Bob Dylan’s ’60s run, Stevie Wonder’s ’70s run, and Iron Maiden ’80s run. Not quite as insane, but still bonkers, was Metallica’s ’80s heyday in the ’80s. Some would include 1988’s ‘…And Justice for All’ in this, but I think that album falls just outside of the realm that the trifecta of 1983’s ‘Kill ‘Em All’, 1984’s ‘Ride The Lightning’, and 1986’s ‘Master Of Puppets’ occupies. But, hey, now that I’ve managed to complete the circle and link The Doors and Metallica as I was intending to, here’s YouTuber Denis Pauna with a trippy, very legit-sounding imagining of what it would be like if The Doors had covered Metallica’s globe-conquering hit, ‘Enter Sandman’!