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Want to Feel Super High Without Taking Any Drugs? OK Go's Got a Video For That

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 17, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 17, 2014 |

OK Go has a new music video out, and I wouldn’t say it’s the most mind trippy because how the hell do you rank their stuff? But it’s certainly not a disappointment. Using their typical single shot craziness, this video, like the Rube Goldberg one before it, tracks movement through a huge Brooklyn warehouse, which is full of anamorphic illusion surprises. Apparently the illusions fit with the lyrics of the song “Writing’s on the Wall,” which is about a couple, pre-breakup, seeing things differently. Honestly, though, I was so mesmerized, I was barely aware there was music playing.

Via Rolling Stone.