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Animated Musical Theater is the Best Musical Theater

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 17, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 17, 2014 |

I haven’t watched an episode of South Park in about six years, but I was a huge fan in my younger years. (I had a birthday this weekend and am now referring nonstop to my “younger years.” Ah, those were the days.) I also have a minor to moderate obsession with The Book of Mormon. So this fan-made video setting the opening number “Hello” in South Park is a great mash-up and disgustingly well-done, but ultimately just makes me sad that the entire musical isn’t available in animated form.

For the unfamiliar, The Book of Mormon is the greatest musical in the history of musicals, and also made by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, along with the EGOT-holding Robert Lopez.

Via Screen Rant.