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The 'How I Met Your Mother' Cast Reveals Top Ten Surprises In the Finale on Letterman

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 18, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 18, 2014 |

The cast of How I Met Your Mother attempted valiantly (though, I assume fruitlessly) to help Letterman counter the ratings for the premiere of Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show last night by coming out to read a top ten list. As top ten lists go, this is definitely low-grade season seven of HIMYM stuff, although the indifference with which Jason Segel reads his two lame-O list items suggests that he’d rather be on a long car trip with Sherri Shepherd.

Indeed, maybe the biggest surprise here is the lipstick that Cobie Smulders is wearing. Is that a nod to the purple curtains on Jay Leno’s The Tonight Show?