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Watch Chris Farley's Original 'Down by the River' Sketch From His Second City Days

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 18, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 18, 2014 |

I know that cast members on Saturday Night Live often bring sketches from their pre-SNL days to the show — half of Kyle Mooney’s ideas this season come from his YouTube channel — but I never knew that Chris Farley’s Motivational Speaker originated on the Second City stage. The skech, recently named the best Saturday Night Live sketch of all time by Rolling Stone, is very much as you remember it, except there’s no coffee table upon which Farley can crash, and look: The Dad is played by Bob Oedenkirk.

R.I.P. Mr. Farley, who we lost 16 years ago this month.