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Russell Brand Is the Equivalent of Political Celebrity Herpes

By Vivian Kane | Videos | October 17, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | October 17, 2014 |

Russell Brand (who Madeleine Davies over at Jezebel recently described as a “Victorian sex ghost” and now I’ll never not have that association in my head) has given up playing lecherous, whiskey-soaked rock stars in movies in favor of political internetting. Yes, we were all surprised when Brand opened his mouth and actual intelligent, relevant commentary came out (time and time again). But it looks like he’s here to stay. He has an YouTube news show, The Trews, and a documentary on the way.

The obvious thing about Brand is that he is nothing if not tenacious. In fact, he seems to be taking the position of lanky, British Michael Moore. Apparently Sean Hannity booked Brand on his show, then cancelled the segment. And Brand did not take kindly to that. Sorry, Hannity, once you open the door to Russell Brand, you’re stuck with him. For life. Brand decided to shoot an episode of The Trews outside the Fox News studios— next best thing, right? Building security wasn’t too crazy about that idea, they proceed to very politely battle it out.

My favorite thing Russell Brand has now ever said: “Don’t mean to be rude to you, just making some true news!” Ugh, the earnest politeness. It hugs my heart.