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New 'Rectify' Season 2 Promos Are Here to Remind You: You Have One Month Left to Finally Get Around to Seeing Season One

By Vivian Kane | Videos | May 14, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | May 14, 2014 |

I guess the second season premiere date for Rectify (June 19th) was announced back in March, but that was before Dustin badgered me (indirectly, through the internet) into watching season one. So I’m just now catching up with this news and am squealing with delight. (Well, as much delight as one can feel over a tormented, violent, heart-wrenching character like Daniel.)

But whether you’d already heard that news or not, here’s something exciting for you. Five new promo teasers for season two have just been released.

You’ll have to head over to Zap2It to watch the other three, and it’s totally worth it, if just to hear Adelaide Clemens (Tawny) sweetly ask “Do you want me to rub on it?”