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Jimmy Kimmel Reads Mean Tweets from Furious Anti-Vaxxers, Who Compare Him to Cosby Drugging Women

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | March 3, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | March 3, 2015 |

In case you missed it, Jimmy Kimmel took a moment on his show to scold parents who don’t vaccinate their children. It’s a weird, touchy subject for me to write about because I actually know some people who don’t vaccinate their children, and they are otherwise lovely, thoughtful human beings, and I just think their position here is misguided and dangerous.

Many anti-vaxxers, however, are really, really passionate/angry about it, and when Kimmel called them out, they took to Twitter and went off on Kimmel. And if there’s another reason — BESIDES SCIENCE — to vaccinate your children, it’s so that you aren’t lumped into the same category as these folks.