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A Duggar Husband Tried to Run a Cat Over with a Sled; Whole Family Is Made of Garbage

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | March 3, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | March 3, 2015 |

I would like to preface this with an important message Jessa Duggar, one of the Duggar girl children who’s been successfully pimped at 22 so she can produce more soldiers for God’s army, posted on Facebook the other day.

People are content to live on in lying, cursing, pride, anger, bitterness, disrespecting of parents, lust, pornography, fornication, adultery, and other sexual sins — and if anyone tries to confront them, their attitude and response is, “You live your life, I’ll live mine. Don’t you tell me what to do! Only God can judge me!”

They don’t even realize what they’re saying. God’s judgement isn’t something to be taken lightly! It should scare you! Man’s “judgement” is a 1000x lighter … usually just a voicing of disapproval. But when unbelieving, sinful men die and stand before God, He justly condemns them to hell.”

In the past, this family has of course spoken quite a bit about how important and precious life is, like comparing the holocaust to abortion, and the unspeakable sin of gaydom. Also, financial independence detroys your husband right in his manliness so make sure you depend on him completely. That’s semi-unrelated, I just think it’s important.

Sinning is wrong. Judgement is good. Life is precious and God and the Bible.

Now here’s Derrick Dillard, the Jill one’s husband, trying to kill a cat with a sled while the Duggar family cheers him on.

Sledding with friends and family at the Duggar home :-) #smallestsled

A video posted by Derick Dillard (@derickdillard) on

All God’s creatures are special and important. But only if they’re unborn human babies. That’s a very important part of this message. Fuck the gays, fuck the trans people, fuck the cats. This has been the word of the Duggars.

You know that thing like how we’re supposed to respect people’s opinions and beliefs? I think that’s stupid so I don’t. These people are dumb garbage. This has been the word of the me.